The F-Word Factor: When Should Brands Swear

A Black woman with a shocked expression on her face as she reads content from her favorite brand online. Symbols for swear words appear around her.

It’s not your imagination. Brands swear a lot more frequently in their copy these days. It’s not a stretch to suggest that potty-moth copy is making a comeback. It used to be taboo, except for the occasional well-placed damn. Writers would not have thought about ever including the gasp-inducing f-word in their sales copy at … Read more

AI Content Detectors: Claims VS Reality

Two hands are positioned on a white computer keyboard. The hand on the left is robotic. The hand on the right is human. The WRite Reflection official log of a W and R with a pen in the middle appears in between the hands.

Just last year, organizations were dropping their writers like hot potatoes to generate free content using AI tools. Entire marketing departments were getting the old heave-ho in favor of ChatGPT, Claude, Perplexity, and other generative AI. The love affair was brief. It didn’t take long to realize AI can’t replace skilled human writers. They began … Read more

How to Do Visual Branding Right

A color palette, logo design sketch, and other visual branding tools sit on a work desk.

Business owners must do more to help their brands stand the test of time. Gone are the days of developing a useful product and providing excellent customer service as the only components of longevity. Case in point: visual branding. If you’re wondering what the heck visual branding is and why you need to add it … Read more

In-House Vs. Outsourced Content Marketing: Which is Better?

A team of in-house content marketers plans a content strategy for a small business.

Its ability to build brand awareness, engage audiences, and drive conversions makes content marketing an indispensable tool for modern business. Investing in a high-quality content marketing strategy has sparked the debate over whether businesses should manage their content marketing efforts in-house or turn to outsourced content marketing solutions to meet their needs. In-house content marketing … Read more