How Transformative Storytelling Boosts Your Brand’s Impact

Shari Berg of The Write Reflection stands in front of a magical storybook that represents transformative storytelling for brands.

Do you know where many brands go wrong with their content marketing strategies? They treat their brands as just another logo or product instead of as a living, breathing narrative that captures the hearts and minds of their ideal customers. We’re bombarded with thousands of marketing messages from the minute we get online until the … Read more

Transform Your Website: How Micro-Interactions Improve User Experience

A Black woman wearing a business suit sits at a laptop fully engaged with website micro-interactions. The Write Reflection official logo of a W and R with a pen in the middle and a yellow circle around the outside appears on the laptop's back cover.

Ten to 20 seconds. That’s how quickly you must make a good first impression with website visitors. Fail to hold their attention, and you won’t get a second chance. They’ll be off to your competitors in search of more engaging content. Welcome to the fast-paced digital world, where attention spans are fleeting, and competition is … Read more

Fake It Until You Make It: One CEO’s Cautionary Tale About Engagement Pods

A graphic illustration of a social media influencer staring at her social media feed, with hearts floating around her to symbolize likes.

By all accounts, Jason Hill was a skillful entrepreneur with a hot new idea on his hands. He’d created an app that reverse-engineered the scheduling process to enable instant networking, allowing entrepreneurs and business owners to easily connect with experts through 1:1 phone calls, fostering valuable relationships and creating endless opportunities. Now, he just needed … Read more

Bad SEO Practices Can Ruin Your Rep

A man in a blue suit holding a business card with a BH on it appears in a woman's computer screen and asks her if she wants to boost her website traffic fast.

Dishonest. Sneaky. Unethical. Call it whatever you want, but the strategy remains the same. When businesses manipulate SEO practices to deceive consumers, they risk harming their reputations and customer base. Unethical SEO practices extend far beyond Black Hat SEO techniques like keyword stuffing and paid backlinks. They are more duplicitous, often deliberately misdirecting consumers to … Read more

The F-Word Factor: When Should Brands Swear

A Black woman with a shocked expression on her face as she reads content from her favorite brand online. Symbols for swear words appear around her.

It’s not your imagination. Brands swear a lot more frequently in their copy these days. It’s not a stretch to suggest that potty-moth copy is making a comeback. It used to be taboo, except for the occasional well-placed damn. Writers would not have thought about ever including the gasp-inducing f-word in their sales copy at … Read more