Meet The Team at The Write Reflection banner that features the official Write Reflection logo

Meet the Team at The Write Reflection™

Shari Berg - President, Founder, Senior Copywriter

Shari Berg

President/Founder/Senior Copywriter

Shari brings more than 25 years of experience to the team at The Write Reflection™.  
She is a proficient copywriter, content writer, and graphic artist, creating high-quality content for her clients across the globe. 

Lia Stroll - Disability Writer

Lia Stoll

Disability Writer/Trainer

Hi, I’m Lia! Your sparkling Disability Writer empowering you with expert content voicing disability awareness, accessibility, and inclusion.
I’m also a devoted social media accessibility trainer.

Ann Kerekes - Virtual Assistant

Ann Kerekes

Virtual Assistant

Ann brings more than 30 years of administrative experience to the team at The Write Reflection™.
She has a proven track record in senior-level support, management, and training.