A laptop with electricity flowing out of it and the words "Content Marketing"

Bespoke Content Marketing Campaigns to Captivate Your Audience

While it’s true that anyone can write, that doesn’t mean anyone should write content associated with your brand. The Write Reflection™ specializes in delivering top-notch content marketing services that engage your audience and drive results.

We live in a world with short attention spans and fierce competition. Brands must create a unique narrative that resonates with their ideal customers. Our approach combines creativity with strategic insight. Every piece of content we produce speaks directly to your target audience and inspires action.

Building brand awareness, driving traffic to your digital assets, and fostering customer loyalty are impossible without the right content in your marketing repertoire. Our customized campaigns help you achieve your marketing goals.

A woman uses social media from her mobile phone while symbols for like, share, etc. float around her

We Put the Social Back in Social Media

Your website is just one tool in your digital marketing arsenal. Social media is critical for building strong relationships with your ideal audience. Creating social media content that encourages ongoing engagement is one of the most effective ways to build trust with your followers.

Part of the process includes selecting the right social media platforms for publishing your content. With so many social sites, small businesses must carefully choose ones that align with their target audience, brand voice, and content marketing goals.

Once you’ve selected social platforms, creating genuinely engaging, high-quality content that resonates with your followers and encourages social sharing is the next priority.

We help clients maximize their resources by focusing content creation efforts on one or two platforms suited to their brand rather than spreading themselves too thin.

Being strategic with platform selection and content creation enables businesses to build authentic engagement and brand awareness critical for content marketing success.

No One Has To Know You Didn't Write It

Transform your ideas into captivating narratives with our professional ghostwriting services. Our talented writers work closely with you to understand your voice, vision, and objectives, crafting high-quality content that resonates with your target audience.

From blog posts and articles to eBooks and whitepapers, we ensure your message shines through while you maintain the spotlight.

Our ghostwriting services cover:

  • Books and eBooks
  • Thought leadership articles
  • Blog posts and website content
  • Speeches and presentations
  • Whitepapers and case studies
  • Memoirs and biographies

Why choose our ghostwriting services

Shari Berg’s background in journalism positions her to create content across industries. Her ability to research any topic and interview subject matter experts gives her the insight to articulate complex ideas in an engaging and accessible manner.

Authenticity is the key to success in ghostwriting. Shari captures the nuances of your communication style to perfectly mimic your voice.

Content Aligned to Your Brand Voice

Does your copy speak in your brand voice? If not, it may be time to speak with a professional who can align all your brand publications – both digital and print – to ensure consistency and clarity. Shari Berg of The Write Reflection™ is a skilled copywriter designer.  Brands that work with Shari have the added benefit of someone who can both create graphics and write the words to complement the designs. There is no need to work with separate professionals, which can prolong the process.

Copy and design go hand-in-hand to influence brand ambassadors and convert website traffic into viable leads. The Write Reflection™ produces quality copy and attractive graphic displays that eliminate obstacles and boost a brand’s net worth. Ask us how we can combine copywriting and graphics design into a powerhouse service package to make your brand shine online.  

Content Marketing Frequently Asked Questions

What is content marketing?

Content marketing is a strategic approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience.  Content marketing involves producing various types of content like blog posts, videos, ebooks, and infographics, that provide useful information to your target audience rather than explicitly promoting your brand. You can build trust, establish authority in your industry, and nurture relationships with potential customers by delivering high-quality content that addresses your ideal customer’s needs and pain points.

Why is content marketing important?

Content marketing is important for several key reasons:

  1. It builds trust and credibility with your audience by providing valuable information.
  2. It improves brand awareness and recognition.
  3. It supports other digital marketing channels like SEO and social media.
  4. It helps nurture leads through the sales funnel.
  5. It’s more cost-effective than many traditional marketing methods.
  6. It allows you to showcase your expertise and thought leadership.
  7. It creates lasting assets that continue to drive traffic and leads over time.

Effective content marketing represents your brand in a wider conversation beyond just conversions. You can inspire brand loyalty, establish trust, and address every part of the sales funnel by creating digital assets that appeal to your customers’ everyday needs.

What types of content should I create?

The types of content you create should align with your business goals, target audience preferences, and available resources. Some popular content types include:

  • Blog posts and articles
  • Videos (explainer videos, tutorials, interviews)
  • Infographics
  • Ebooks and whitepapers
  • Podcasts
  • Case studies
  • Social media posts
  • Email newsletters
  • Webinars

The key is to choose content formats that resonate with your audience and effectively convey your message. It’s often beneficial to use a mix of content types to cater to different learning styles and preferences.

How often should I publish content?

The frequency of content publication depends on your resources and goals. Quality should always take precedence over quantity. Small businesses just starting may want to create one high-quality piece of content per month. As you build capacity, you can increase frequency.

Consistency is crucial. We recommend publishing quality content regularly rather than sporadically. The right frequency for your business depends on your audience, industry, and resources.

How do I measure the success of my content marketing efforts?

Measuring content marketing success involves tracking various metrics aligned with your goals. Some key metrics to consider include:

  1. Website traffic: Monitor increases in overall traffic and traffic to specific content pieces.
  2. Engagement metrics: Track dwell time and social shares.
  3. Lead generation: Measure how many leads your content is generating.
  4. Conversion rates: Track how content influences conversions and sales.
  5. SEO performance: Monitor keyword rankings and organic search traffic.
  6. Brand awareness: Track mentions, reach, and brand recall.
  7. Customer feedback: Gather qualitative data through surveys or comments.

Establish clear goals and KPIs before launching your content marketing efforts so you can effectively measure success.

How does content marketing drive revenue?

Content marketing drives revenue through several mechanisms:

  1. Lead generation: By attracting potential customers with valuable content, you can capture their information and nurture them toward a purchase.
  2. Shortened sales cycle: Educating prospects through content can help them move through decision-making more quickly.
  3. Increased trust and authority: High-quality content establishes your brand as an industry leader, making prospects more likely to choose your products or services.
  4. Improved SEO: Content marketing boosts your search engine rankings, driving more organic traffic and potential customers to your site.
  5. Customer retention: Providing ongoing value through content can increase customer loyalty and lifetime value.
  6. Support for other marketing efforts: Content can complement and enhance the effectiveness of paid advertising and other marketing initiatives.

To directly tie content to revenue, marketing and sales teams must be aligned on business objectives, messaging, and processes.