Published Works

Shari Berg of The Write Reflection stands next to a stack of books.

Published Works by Shari Berg of The Write Reflection™

Shari Berg of The Write Reflection™ is more than an award-winning journalist. She has authored or co-authored several books. The following are selections currently available in her collection. 

The front cover of the book Top 100 List of Lies on Social Media
Front cover of the book Wars End With Me by Shari Berg
The front cover of Pioneer Proud

Top 100 List of Lies on Social Media

Social media metrics can be misleading and hide true value while encouraging fakery and artificial inflation of success. We’ll help you see through the deception and share your authentic message without being discouraged by those gaming the system. Our book shows you how to cut through the noise and make a genuine impact.

Find print, e-book, and audio versions here

Wars End With Me

In 2003, Patrick Strobel’s vehicle hit an IED in Iraq, leaving him stunned and believing he had died. Though he survived, this incident sparked his ongoing battle with PTSD. Through sharing his story, he now advocates for veterans to seek help in dealing with war trauma and civilian readjustment.

Print and E-Book Versions:


Pioneer Proud: Celebrating 50 Years of Butler County Community College

A historical accounting of the launch and subsequent 50 years of Butler County Community College. This book covers the mission and milestones BC3 has achieved along the way. 

*This book is only available at the Butler County Community College library.